Dr Simon Wells

sesquipedalia verba


  1. M. Snaith & S. Wells (2024) "Formal Dialogue and Large Language Models", presented at the SICSA Workshop on Reasoning, Explanations and Applications of Large Language Models (REALLM), Aberdeen, UK.

  2. F. Zenker, K. Debowska-Kozlowska, D. Godden, M. Selinger, & S. Wells (2023) "Thou Shalt Not Squander Life – Comparing Five Approaches to Argument Strength"
    in Studies in Logic, Grammar, & Rhetoric vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 133--167.

  3. S. Wells & M. Snaith (2023) "On The Role of Dialogue Models in the Age of Large Language Models"
    in proceeding of the the 23rd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA'23)
    Extended Abstract: [ pdf (CMNA Site) | pdf (CEUR) | pdf (eprint) ]

  4. S. Wells & M. Snaith (2022) "Reconsidering RepStat Rules in Dialectical Games"
    in proceeding of the the 22nd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA'22)

  5. D. Godden & S. Wells (2022) "Burdens of Proposing: On the Burden of Proof in Deliberation Dialogues"
    in the special issue on Douglas Walton and his Contributions to Argumentation Theory of Informal Logic vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 291--342.

  6. M. Snaith & S. Wells (2021) "Towards a Declarative Approach to Constructing Dialogue Games"
    in the 21st International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA'21)

  7. D. Khartabil, C. Collins, S. Wells, B. Back, J. Kennedy (2021) "Design and Evaluation of Visualization Techniques to Facilitate Argument Exploration"
    in Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 40, issue 6, pp. 447--465, Wiley.
    [ pdf (DOI) | pdf (Wiley) | pdf (eprint) ]

  8. S. Wells (2020) "The Open Argumentation PLatform (OAPL)"
    in Proceedings of Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2020), Frontiers in Artifical Intelligence, Volume 326: Computational Models of Argument, pages 475-476, Perugia, Italy.

  9. S. Wells (2020) "Datastores for Argumentation Data"
    Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument(CMNA20), Pages 31-40, Perugia, Italy.

  10. S. Wells (2019) "A Paroxysm of Dissent: Partisan Political Advertising During the Brexit Campaign"
    Abstract for paper presented at the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation: Reason to Dissent (ECA19), Groningen, NL.
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  11. S. Wells (2019) "The Computational Approach to Argument Strength"
    Abstract for contribution to the Symposium on Argument Strength which was hosted at the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation: Reason to Dissent (ECA19), Groningen, NL.
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  12. S. Wells & A. Baker (2019) "Lying in Real World Argumentative Dialogue Systems"
    Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), University of Amsterdam, NL.
    Paper: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  13. Peter Andras, Lukas Esterle, Michael Guckert, The Anh Han, Peter R. Lewis, Kristina Milanovic, Terry Payne, Cedric Perret, Jeremy Pitt, Simon T. Powers, Neil Urquhart and Simon Wells (2018) "Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening trust within socio-technical systems"
    in IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Volume: 37 , Issue: 4 , Dec. 2018.

  14. S. Wells & A. Baker (2018) "Lying in Real World Argumentative Dialogue Systems"
    Abstract for paper presented at the 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), University of Amsterdam, NL.
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  15. S. Wells (2018) "Towards Argumentative Dialogue as a Humane Interface between People and Intelligent Machines"
    Paper presented at the SICSA AI Theme workshop on Reasoning, Learning, & Explainability (ReaLX), Aberdeen, UK.

  16. A. Stibe, K. Pangbourne, S. Wells, B. Cugelman, and A. Kjaer Christensen (2018) "Uncovering Dark Patterns in Persuasive Technology"
    In: Ham J., Karapanos E., Morita P., Burns C. (eds) Adjunct Proceedings of Persuasive Technology. PERSUASIVE 2018

  17. K. Pangbourne, A. Baker, S. Wells, & S. Bennett (2018) "Arguing Effectively for Modal Shift"
    Paper presented to the Universities Transport Studies Group 50th Annual Conference (UTSG 2018), London, UK.

  18. A. Baker & S. Wells (2017) "When Should We Let AIs Persuade?"
    Abstract for paper presented at the 3rd Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence (PT AI), Leeds, UK.
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  19. T. Yuan & S. Wells (2017) "ProtOCL: Specifying Dialogue Games Using UML and OCL"
    Argument Technologies: Theory, Analysis, and Applications volume 2, Studies in Logic and Argumentation 68, chapter 9, pp. 151-163, College Publications.

  20. T. Farrenkopf, M. Guckert, N. Urquhart, & S. Wells (2017) "Information Diffusion in Multi-Agent Communities"
    Abstract for paper presented at the 6th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA 2017), Torino, Italy
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  21. S. Wells (2017) "The role of faulty inferences in interrogation dialogues"
    Abstract for paper presented at the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference (ECA17), Fribourg, Switzerland
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  22. K. Pangbourne, A. Baker-Graham, & S. Wells (2017) "The Role of Inference in Constructing, Communicating and Sustaining Behaviour Change Arguments"
    Poster abstract presented at the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference (ECA17), Fribourg, Switzerland
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  23. D. Khartabil & S. Wells (2017) "Mapping Increasingly Large Networks of Argumentative Inferences"
    Poster abstract presented at the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference (ECA17), Fribourg, Switzerland
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  24. S. Wells & J. Douglas (2017) "Monkeypuzzle: Towards Next Generation, Free & Open-Source, Argument Analysis Tools"
    Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument(CMNA17), pp. 50-53, London, U.K.

  25. T. Yuan, S. Manandhar, T. Kelly, and S. Wells (2016) "Automatically Detecting Fallacies in System Safety Arguments"
    Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 47-59, LNCS 9935, Springer

  26. T. Farrenkopf, M. Guckert, N. Urquhart, & S. Wells (2016) "Ontology Based Business Simulations"
    The Journal of Artifical Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 19(4).

  27. S. Wells (2016) "Combinatorial Dialogue Games in Strategic Argumentation"
    Argumentation and Reasoned Action, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon 2015, volume 2, Studies in Logic and Argumentation 63, chapter 67, pp. 1045-1063, College Publications.

  28. S. Wells & K. Pangbourne (2016) "Using Argumentation Within Sustainable Transport Communication"
    Argumentation and Reasoned Action, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon 2015, volume 1, Studies in Logic and Argumentation 62, chapter 34, pp. 781-801, College Publications.

  29. D. Khartabil, S. Wells, & J. Kennedy (2016) "Large-scale Argument Visualization (LSAV)"
    18th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis16), Groningen, Netherlands
    Abstract: [ pdf (eprint) ]

  30. T. Farrenkopf, M. Guckert, N. Urquhart, & S. Wells (2016) "Demo Paper: AGADE"
    Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection, Springer International Publishing.

  31. S. Wells & R. La Greca (2015) "Introducing ALIAS"
    Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument(CMNA15), Bertinoro, Italy.

  32. T. Yuan, S. Manandhar, T. Kelly, and S. Wells (2015) "Automatically Detecting Fallacies in System Safety Arguments"
    Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument(CMNA15), Bertinoro, Italy.

  33. S. Wells (2015) "Combinatorial Dialogue Games in Strategic Argumentation"
    Paper Abstract presented at the 1st European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned Action (ECA15)

  34. S. Wells & K. Pangbourne (2015) "Using Argumentation Within Sustainable Transport Communication"
    Paper Abstract presented at the 1st European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned Action (ECA15)

  35. S. Wells, (2014), "Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?"
    Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA14), Krakow, Poland.

  36. T, Yuan, S. Manandhar, and S. Wells, (2014), "Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games"
    Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA14), Krakow, Poland.

  37. Wells, S. "SUPERHUB: Towards argumentatively rich persuasive communication in large-scale, applied behaviour change systems"
    Extended abstract for Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) Demo Track, (August 2014).
    [ pdf ]

  38. Wells, S. "Argument Mining to Support Behaviour Change"
    research abstract/position statement for the SICSA Argument Mining Workshop hosted by the School of Computing, University of Dundee, (July 2014).
    [ pdf ]

  39. S. Wells, H. Kotkanen, M. Schlafli, S. Gabrielli, J. Masthoff, A. Jylha, P. Forbes (2014), "Towards an Applied Gamification Model for Tracking, Managing, & Encouraging Sustainable Travel Behaviours"
    EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, vol. 14 (4).

  40. P. J. Forbes, S. Gabrielli, R. Maimone, J. Masthoff, S. Wells, A. Jylha (2014), "Towards using Segmentation-based Techniques to Personalize Mobility Behavior Interventions"
    EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, vol. 14 (4).

  41. S. Gabrielli, P. Forbes, A. Jylha, S. Wells, M. Siiren, S. Hemminki, P. Nurmi, R. Maimone, J. Masthoff, G. Jaccuci (2014), "Design challenges in motivating change for sustainable urban mobility"
    Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 41, pp. 416-423, Elsevier.

  42. S. Wells, H. Kotkanen, M. Schlafli, S. Gabrielli, J. Masthoff, A. Jylha, P. Forbes (2014), "Towards an Applied Gamification Model for Tracking, Managing, & Encouraging Sustainable Travel Behaviours"
    Proceedings of the USCIAMO: Urban Sustainable, CollaboratIve, and Adaptive MObility Workshop hosted at the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP2014), Nice, France.

  43. P. J. Forbes, S. Gabrielli, R. Maimone, J. Masthoff, S. Wells, A. Jylha (2014), "Towards using Segmentation-based Techniques to Personalize Mobility Behavior Interventions"
    Proceedings of the USCIAMO: Urban Sustainable, CollaboratIve, and Adaptive MObility Workshop hosted at the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP2014), Nice, France.

  44. S. Wells (2014), "Supporting Argumentation Schemes in Argumentative Dialogue Games"
    Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (SLGR) special issue on the Pragmatics and Dialectics of Argument, vol. 36 (1), pp. 171-191, De Gruyter, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

  45. A. Jylha, L. Haverinen, S. Kaipiainen, G. Jacucci, P. Forbes, J. Masthoff, S. Wells, J. Finnegan, and L. Telesca (2013), "Designing a Sustainable Mobility System for Shared Transportation"
    Proceedings of the 4th Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, MediaCityUK, Salford, U.K.

  46. P. Forbes, S. Wells, and J. Masthoff (2013), "Ensuring Accessibility in SUPERHUB: a Multimodal Urban Mobility Platform for European cities"
    Proceedings of the 4th Annual Digital Economy All Hands Conference, MediaCityUK, Salford, U.K.

  47. S. Wells, P. Forbes, J. Masthoff, S. Gabrielli and A. Jylha (2013), "SUPERHUB: Integrating Digital Behaviour Management into a Novel Sustainable Urban Mobility System"
    Proceedings of the 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Inter- action Conference: The Internet of things (BCS HCI 2013), University of Brunel, Uxbridge, U.K.

  48. S. Wells, (2013), "Towards a Foundation for Comprehensive Argumentation Scheme Support in Argumentative Dialogue Games"
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA13), pp. 68-73, Rome, Italy.

  49. T. Yuan and S. Wells, (2013), "ProtOCL: Specifying Dialogue Games Using UML and OCL"
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA13), pp. 74-85, Rome, Italy.

  50. S. Gabrielli, R. Maimone, P. Forbes, J. Masthoff, S. Wells, L. Primerano, G. Bo, M. Pompa, L. Haverinen, (2013), "Co-Designing Motivational Features for Sustainable Urban Mobility", (2013), in proceedings of the ACM SIG-CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013).

  51. Forbes, P, J., Gabrielli, S., Masthoff, J., and Wells, S. "Modelling Behaviour & Motivating change"
    in the SUPERHUB Project Newsletter, (July 2013 edition).
    [ pdf | web ]

  52. Wells, S. "Aligning Argumentation Theory with Behaviour Change Mechanisms"
    abstract for a research talk given at the Second Scottish Argumentation Day hosted by the School of Computing, University of Dundee, (July 2013).
    [ pdf ]

  53. Wells, S. "Argument Mining in Social Media"
    extended abstract for the SICSA Social Media Mining Workshop hosted by the Information Retrieval & Reuse research group within the Digital Technologies Theme of the IDEAS Research Institute, Robert Gordon University, (May 2013).
    [ pdf ]

  54. S. Gabrielli, R. Maimone, P. Forbes, S. Wells, (2013), "Exploring Change Strategies for Sustainable Urban Mobility", (2013), in Designing Social Media for Change at the ACM SIG-CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2013).

  55. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2012), "A Domain Specific Language for Describing Diverse Systems of Dialogue", (2012), in Journal of Applied Logic, vol. 10 (4), pp. 309–329.

  56. S. Wells (2012), “Collation of Formal Dialectical Games from the Literature“, University of Dundee, School of Computing Technical Report.

  57. P. J. Forbes, S. Wells, J. Masthoff, H. Nguyen (2012), "SUPERHUB: Integrating behaviour change theories into a sustainable urban-mobility platform", (2012), in Proceedings of Using Technology to Facilitate Behaviour Change and Support Healthy, Sustainable Living @ BCS HCI 2012.

  58. C. Reed, S. Wells, M. Snaith, K. Budzynska & J. Lawrence, (2011), "Using an argument ontology to develop pedagogical tool suites", (2011), in Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL 2011). Salamanca, Spain. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6680, 2011, pp 207-214

  59. C. Reed, S. Wells, K. Budzynska & J. T. Devereux, (2010), “Building Arguments with Argumentation: The Role of Illocutionary Force in Computational Models of Argument”, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010). Desenzano del Garda, Italy.

  60. C. Reed, S. Wells, F. Bex, K. Budzynska, J. T. Devereux, and J. Lawrence (2010), “The Argument Interchange Format: Consolidation and Extensions“, University of Dundee, School of Computing Technical Report.
    [ pdf ]

  61. S. Wells, C. Gourlay, and C. Reed, (2009), “Argument Blogging”, in 9th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. IJCAI 2009, Pasadena, California, U.S.

  62. A. Ravenscroft, S. Wells, M. Sagar, and C. Reed, (2009), “Mapping Persuasive Dialogue Games onto Argumentation Structures”, In Symposium on Persuasive Technology & Digital Behaviour Intervention held at the AISB Convention in Edinburgh, April 2009.

  63. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2008), “Using dialogical argument as an interface to complex debates”, in IEEE Potentials, Volumne 27, No 5, pp. 26--30

  64. C. Reed, J. Devereux, S. Wells, & G. Rowe, (2008), “AIF+: Dialogue in the Argument Interchange Format”, in In A. Hunter (editor): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2008). Toulouse, France.

  65. S. Wells, P. Łoziński, M. N. Pham, (2008), "Towards An Arguing Agents Competition: Architectural Considerations" in Proceedings of 8th CMNA (Computational Models of Natural Argument) workshop, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), University of Patras, Greece.

  66. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2008), “MAgtALO: An Agent-Based System for Persuasive Online Interaction”, in Symposium on Persuasive Technology held at the AISB Convention in Aberdeen, April 2008.

  67. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2007), “MAgtALO: Using Agents, Arguments, and the Web to Explore Complex Debates”, in Agents, Web-Services, and Ontologies: Integrated Methodologies. AWESOME 2007, Durham, U.K.

  68. C. Reed and S. Wells, (2007), “Dialogical Argument as an Interface to Complex Debates”, in IEEE Intelligent Systems Journal, Special Issue on Argumentation Technology, Volume 22, No 6, pp. 60--65

  69. S. Wells, (2007), “Formal Dialectical Games in Multiagent Argumentation”, Ph.D Thesis, University of Dundee.
    [ pdf ]

  70. D. Kalofonos, N. Karunatillake, N. R. Jennings, T. J. Norman, C. Reed and S. Wells, (2006), “Building Agents that Plan and Argue in a Social Context”, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, COMMA 2006, Liverpool, U.K.

  71. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2006), “Knowing When to Bargain”, in 1st Conference on Computational Models of Argument. COMMA 2006, Liverpool, U.K.

  72. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2006), “Cumulativeness in Dialectical Games”, in 6th International Conference on Argumentation. ISSA 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands

  73. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2006), “Knowing When to Bargain”, in 6th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. ECAI 2006, Riva del Garda, Italy

  74. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2006), “Testing Formal Dialectic”, in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi Agent Systems (ArgMAS)., AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands  Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4049.

  75. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2005), “Testing Computational Dialectic”, in 5th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. IJCAI 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.

  76. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2005), “A Drosophila For Computational Dialectics”, in Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi Agent Systems. AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands
  77. S. Wells and C. Reed, (2005), “Formal Dialectic Specification”, In I. Rahwan, P. Moraitis and C. Reed (Editors): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS) , AAMAS 2004, New York, NY, USA.  Springer, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3366.

  78. S. Wells, “Implementing Dialectics”, (2001),
    Honours Thesis for BSc. in Applied Computing, University of Dundee.

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